General Question

Important: Please note that this is not a support page. If you seek help with your specific problem, please refer to the Contact Forum

Latest Knowledge Base

If you have any questions regarding to our support services on software development or hardware assembly, DBMS, Network installation, Website Development your free to contact our support forum..


Free support throughout the year for purchase license on our datasafe in pharmacy software, supermarket software, logistics software, management software system Etc.

NOTE: That after the first year of running our software license you may chose to renew the license for 25,000 naira for 6 month. 35,000 naira only for one year, 52,000 naira only for two years

Email Address


ToGo Back to your Software

Click on >BOOK. >Goto Recent Pharmacy Software. click your Tag and enter the password if requested initially..

Phone Number

(+234) 8155036711

Your Super market or pharmacy software will take 7 working days to encrypt with your domain if using cloud management software (online base) or 5 working days on a local host base management software (offline base).

You can make payment via our payment gateway or bank transfer to your developer to help you process and manage your payment.

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