Vsat Technology

Vsat is one of the reliable infrastructural technology in industrial and Banking sector.

BanCorLaHitech is 100% sure of providing Vsat satellite hosting with any desirable bandwidth and reliable Link eg SONEMA depending on the topology of your link and data structure either MPLS TERRESTRIAL Technology, SATELLITE LINK, SD-WAN, STARLITE KA-BAND, LAN MANAGEMENT Etc.

KA BAND, KU-BAND, C-BAND. 1.9, 2.4, 4.0, 8.0.

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Vsat Tecnology

No Season Specification

61b Aba Road Opposite Government Craft Center Port Harcourt.

#21 Market Junction Port Harcourt By Aba Road Rivers State Nigeria…

#17 By Ali Akilu Road Mabushi Abuja Nigeria

Overview Projects

We run a near flat and lean organizational structure devoid of honey chains of command this structure deployment will process without undue delay.

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